


“我們從2006年剛成立開始,正步向成功,”醫學世界公司CEO Peter P. Wiest說道:“關于收益,2007年第一季度為14.7%超過去年同期的3.7%,并且超過全年預計的計劃。”2007年第一季度的收入在預算水平,并且接近去年同期水平(-2.1%)。經過流通效應的調整,銷售增加2.1%。



GHE-member World of Medicine on the road to successListed medical

device manufacturer and GHEmember WORLD OF MEDICINE increased its earnings before taxes (EBT) in the first quarter of 2007 by T€866, to T€1,167.

“We are continuing along the road to success that began in 2006,” states Peter P. Wiest, CEO of WORLD OF MEDICINE. “In terms of earnings, our 2007 first quarter sales yield of 14.7% clearly surpassed last year’s figure of 3.7%, and exceeded plan for the year as a whole.” Revenues in the first quarter of 2007 were at budgeted levels, and approached the level of strong performance achieved in the same quarter last year (-2.1%). Adjusted for currency effects, sales increased by 2.1%.

Of particularly note is the insufflators and pumps business in the US and European markets, which performed very successfully. For the second Quarter, the Management Board is anticipating a minor slowdown.

WORLD OF MEDICINE and its technologies are paving the way for Minimally Invasive Surgery. This approach includes safe and gentle surgical procedures conducted not through major incisions, but through keyhole or puncture incisions. The Company is the global market leader in a niche of this future market.

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