

1. 哪支球隊將稱霸2010世界杯? 1. Which team will win the 2010 World Cup?
一些球迷已經開始推測誰將贏得2010年世界杯。2006年6月,在柏林的奧林匹克體育場內,意大利隊最終贏得了雷米特杯。 Some fans are already pondering who the 2010 World Cup winner will be. In June 2006, the Italians earned the Jules Rimet Trophy at Berlin's Olympic Stadium.


作為一項備受關注的體育賽事,世界杯每四年才舉行一次。因此,2009年12月5日世界杯小組抽簽結果公布后,球迷們就開始對2010年賽事進行預測。西班牙,巴西以及英格蘭這三支球隊也成為賭球者的心頭好,但來自其他國家的球迷以及媒體們心中卻各有所屬。 As the most popular event in sports, the World Cup only comes to us once every four years. Thus, it is no surprise that fans have been talking about their predictions for 2010 since the World Cup draw was revealed on Dec 5, 2009. Spain, Brazil and England are the bookmakers' favorites to win, although fans and media from other countries tend to think otherwise.

2. 2010年,老虎伍茲還會揮動球桿嗎? 2. Will Tiger Woods play golf in 2010?

2009年,“老虎”伍茲的球場生涯看上去春風得意,他贏得了6個冠軍頭銜,個人收入也超過10億美元。但11月底的桃色車禍事件發生后,則是另一番景象了。 Tiger Woods's campaign in 2009 seemed to be on the right track after he claimed six wins and bagged more than $1 billion before a freakish car crash happened in late November.


一時間,滿城風雨——關于家庭暴力的指控,情人與情婦。在公開道歉并承認了自己的不忠后,老虎伍茲表示自己將“無限期地退出職業高爾夫賽”。2010年老虎伍茲是否還會揮動球桿,這仍然是一個疑問。 Suddenly all of the rumors were let loose about allegations of domestic violence, and mistresses and lovers. After making public apologies and admitting to his infidelity, Woods said he would take an indefinite break from professional golf. Whether Woods will play in 2010 is still up for question.

3. 跳水女皇郭晶晶是否會在2010年嫁入豪門? 3. Will Guo Jingjing, China's diving queen, get married in 2010?

郭晶晶與霍啟剛(香港近代富豪霍英東的孫子)的秘密戀情,已經引起了全民的想象,人們似乎在關注運動員賽場表現之余,也愈加關心起他們的私人生活了。 Guo Jingjing's alleged romance with Kenneth Fok, the grandson of late Hong Kong tycoon Henry Fok, has captured the imagination of a country that seems to have become as interested in the private lives of its athletes as in their athletic performances.


盡管郭晶晶沒有宣布自己的退役時間,但在12月份的東亞運動會上,她發表的關于有可能休戰一年的聲明,卻又向人們透露著訊息。種種跡象表明,她與霍啟剛的感情已經邁入一個新階段。除非他們倆對中國農歷里所講的2010年是“寡婦年”這一說法深信不疑,不然我們很有能看到郭小姐變成霍太太。 Although Guo has not given any timetable for her retirement, her announcement at December's East Asian Games about a possible one-year hiatus is a clear enough signal. From all evidence, her relationship with Fok seems to have entered another stage. Unless they truly believe that the Chinese lunar calendar warns against a widow's year in 2010, we might well see Miss Guo become Mrs Fok.

4. 2010年,各國是否能夠達成哥本哈根會后新協議? 4. Will a post-Copenhagen deal be struck in 2010?

被外界稱為,在2012年《京都議定書》到期前,能夠保護地球,防止全球變暖的重要首腦會議——哥本哈根氣候大會承載了人們很高的期盼。 Billed as the most important summit to save the earth from global warming before the Kyoto Protocol expires in 2012, the Copenhagen Climate Conference carried high expectations.

但經過多年的科學研究表明,發達與發展中國家唯一達成共識的就是:全球變暖是事實存在的,并且正在影響著地球。 However, after years of scientific research, developed and developing nations are only capable of coming to one agreement: Global warming is real, and it is affecting the earth.

5. 2010年中國農民工能否拿到城市戶口? 5. Will China's migrant workers get permanent urban residence in 2010?

中國社科院表示,在中國的工業及相關領域中,農民工們提供了50%的勞動力。然而由于戶籍規定,他們卻無法享受到與城市居民同等的權利。 According to the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, China's migrant workers account for around 50 percent of the labor force in industrial and related sectors. Yet they don't enjoy equal rights as city dwellers because of household registration requirements.


值得慶幸的是,這些戶籍規定正在發生改變。12月初,在中國中央經濟工作會議上,與會代表建議給予農村居民城市戶口,這也強有力地證明了戶籍制度正在變化。溫家寶總理于12月底呼吁,應加快戶籍制度改革的進程。 Fortunately, the rules are changing. The proposal of China's Central Economic Conference in early December to give rural residents permanent urban residency sent a strong signal. Premier Wen Jiabao's call in late December for the reform of the household registration system will surely speed up the process.

6. 2010年中國的計生政策將發生變化嗎? 6. Will China's one-child policy change in 2010?


很多人相信,對于中國資源環境來將,人口已不再是主要威脅。相反,中國的人口危機已轉變成出生率過低,社會老齡化加劇以及性別比例失衡。在中國的珠江三角洲等地已經出現了技工短缺的現象,所以,可能在不久以后,我們將看到計生政策上的重大變革。 Many believe the population is no longer a major threat to China's resources and environment. Instead, China's population challenges have shifted to low birth rates, an aging society and a widening gender imbalance. China has already experienced a shortage of skilled workers in places like the Pearl River Delta, so it might not be long before we see major reforms.

7. 2010年中國的房價將達到頂點? 7. Will China's housing prices peak in 2010?

今年中國經濟成V字形強勁復蘇,隨之而來的是關于許多城市房價瘋漲的報道。 The story of the strong V-shaped recovery of the Chinese economy this year was followed by reports of soaring housing prices in many cities.

中央已經意識到了房地產泡沫的危險性——可能造成國民經濟的通貨膨脹,甚至可能因為泡沫破滅,最終導致正在復蘇的經濟脫離正軌。政府已經出臺了相關的政策措施,給火爆的房地產市場降降溫。在2010年依靠政府出臺的政策來調控房價,你認為這有多靠譜? The central government is aware of the danger of a property bubble that can inflate the national economy or even burst, derailing the ongoing economic recovery. Several policy measures have been announced to cool the red-hot real estate market. Well, how much trust do you place in government policies to control housing prices in 2010?

8. 2010年我們是否還會經歷另一場“甲流”? 8. Will we witness another global epidemic in 2010?

今年世界衛生組織宣布H1N1型流感為全球性傳染病。慶幸的是,這種病毒遠沒有人們最初想的那樣危險,而最新面世的疫苗似乎已經平息了那彌留人們心頭,久久不能散去的恐懼。 The World Health Organization this year declared H1N1 a global epidemic. Fortunately, it is much less threatening than people previously believed, and newly introduced vaccines seem to have quelled lingering fears.

先是“非典”,接下來是全球范圍的H5N1以及H1N1流感大爆發。全球化也無能為力。現在地球實際就是一個小村莊,這也使得病毒在幾小時內,就能輕而易舉地從北京傳播到波士頓。2010我們是否會再次遭遇另一場“甲流”? First there was SARS, then the global spread of H5N1 flu and now the H1N1 flu. Globalization is not helping, either. The earth now is truly a village, making it easy for a virus to travel from Beijing to Boston in a matter of hours. Will another epidemic arrive in 2010?

9. 中國的股市能否重新站上6000點? 9. Will China's stock market climb back to 6,000 points?

2年前中國股市突破6000點,而2010年股市能否重拾失地呢?那個時候,中國股市行情十分被看好,但今天,如果你問同樣的問題,有的人會拿全球經濟說事兒——在經歷重挫后,全球經濟仍舊步履艱難。 Will China's stock market climb back to the 6,000-point mark it reached two years ago? The stock market was at its most bullish back then, but if you ask the same question now, some would cite a global economy still reeling from a recession.

10. 2010年中國會遭遇通貨膨脹嗎? 10. Will inflation emerge in China in 2010?

作為衡量通貨膨脹的一項數據,中國消費者物價指數上漲了0.6%,這是自2009年1月后,消費者價格方面在去年同期水平基礎上的第一次增長。這些數據的公布也引發了關于可能出現通貨膨脹的熱議。 China's consumer price index (CPI), a measure of inflation, rose by 0.6 percent in November, the first year-on-year rise in consumer prices since January 2009. The release of those numbers spurred talk about possible inflation.

事實上,政府已感到通貨膨脹的壓力,并且已經開始設法防止地產泡沫的出現。一些人呼吁出臺更多相關措施,例如增加消費者的購買力。 The government is certainly aware of inflationary pressures, and they have already taken steps to prevent inflation in the real estate market. Some call for more measures such as steps to increase the purchasing power of consumers.



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