english courses-“出場費”怎么說 - 中國英語網 www.chinaenglish.com.cn

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Nelson, 20, of Lawton, Okla., is a student at the University of Central Oklahoma and wants to get her master's degree in musical theater. She gets a $50,000 scholarship with the crown and stands to make thousands more in appearance fees.


“appearance fee”指的就是“出場費”。“Appearance”表示“出場、露面”時,常和動詞make搭配,如:to make one's first appearance in public(首次公開露面)。

此外,“appearance”也可表示“體面、門面”,如:for appearances' sake(為了保持體面)、to keep up appearances(保持體面)。

看個例子:He earned enormous sums of money and got an appearance fee of £100 for a single appearance. (他掙了很多錢,一次出場費就高達100英鎊。)

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